National University syllabus/Histroy of muslims(570-750)

Geographical features of Jazirat al Arab sources of history (570-750) socio-economic ,political and cultural conditions of Arabia before the advent of Islam.
Early career of Muhammad (sm) - Muhammad (sm)  as Prophet before Hijar -Hijrat of Muslim to Abyssinia -Propher's Hijrat to Madina -Charter of Madina -battles of Prophet (Badr,Uhud ,Khandaq,Tabuk,Hunayan ,Muta) prophet's policy towards the Jews and Chtistiarts -Treaty of Hudaybiah conquest of mecca-Prophet's place in histroy

Khulafa-i -Rashidun: Beginning and progress of Khilafa-Abu -Bakr's election-Ridda was Khalifa Umar I-expansion of Islam state -Umar's .Diwan adminstration Khalifa Usman beginning of civil
distrurbance in islam Khalifa Ali beginning of civil war in islam battle of siffin-arbitration end of Khulafa -i -Rashidun.

The Umayyads;
Geneology Background of the establishment of Ummayyad Khilafat.The Kharijjtes Harbite Branch; Muawiyah I- Yazid I -events of Karbala the rise of the Shiites.
Hakamid branch: Marwan I _Abdul Malik, consolidation and Arabicization the Mawail issue
Al_Walid I; expansion of khilafat in east and west Hajjaj bin Yusuf Tariq and Musa_Umar bin Abdul Aziz, Mawali and revenue policy Hisham decline and fall of the Umayyads _ Marwan II _revenue reforms of Nasr bin Sayyar_Abbasid propaganda _fall of Umayyads.

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